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Everyone needs a good GP


As your GP, Dr Lu is committed to helping you achieve and maintain your well-being, by guiding you through decisions about your health with you.  


This starts with listening to your concerns and involves explaining the physical checks, investigations and treatment options for you. 


Dr Lu is passionate about health promotion and addressing whole-person well-being. Your personalised treatment plan will not only look at physical factors or medication, but may involve specific advice about diet, exercise, posture, and stress management.




- Women's health : Pap smears, breast checks, Antenatal Care.

- Men's health 

- Health checks, skin checks

- Paediatrics : baby checks, immunisations.

- Chronic illness management : Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, asthma 

- Counselling

- Personalised advice on diet, exercise, + achieving a healthy weight

- Help with quitting smoking


drcindylu: Enfield Medical+Dental
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